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Friday, May 23, 2014

Lightning Strikes Pregnant Woman, Barber Dead in Benue

While closing her shop after a hard days work a pregnant woman met with her untimely death on Thursday. She was killed by lightning during a down pour in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State at 7pm.

She wasn’t the only victim, a man who was said to be a barber within the shopping complex was also struck at the same time.

Haanya Aondoakaa, a man who reportedly witnessed the tragic incident said: “When the rain started we were all happy because we have had scarcity of rains this year, but the thunder and lightning that accompanied the rain scared everyone.

“It was not quite long after the rain started that we heard loud screams and wailing which compelled people to scamper for safety.

“In the mist of that confusion, we discovered that the two victims were struck to death by the lightning.

“It was a sorry sight. But we managed to render assistance by taking them to a hospital for medical attention, which was however too late in coming because they were already dead.”

The chairman of Gboko Local Government Area, Nahan Zenda confirmed the incident adding that the police have been informed about the tragedy.

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