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Friday, May 09, 2014

Photos & Video: Scary Moment Man Attempted to Lead Woman's Baby Away While Her Back Was Turned

Always hold onto your kids/siblings/nieces and nephews while in public to avoid 'stories that touch.'

DailyMail this morning published chilling images from a CCTV recording that show the moment a man appears to lead a toddler away from its mother in a busy shopping centre.

In the shocking CCTV footage, a mother and her 22-month-old toddler are seen walking through the shopping centre in Derby, East Midlands.

At one point, the unnamed mother walks very slightly ahead of her child.

Seconds later, a man wearing a dark jacket and a cap appears. The man then approaches the 22-month-old as he follows his mother into a store in the city's Intu shopping centre. He walks up to the child and speaks to him before seemingly taking him by the hand and walking off.

However, the boy's mother turns and sees the unidentified man with her child. She then challenges the man - who seems to apologise and walk away. This took place on Thursday at 10.30am.

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